Top Reasons to have a Mentor

Career & College Decisions


Sometimes you’re not too sure if you’re making the right decisions for your personal growth and career. Professional advice from a mentor in the field can be crucial to make more informed decisions that can help shape your future success and career, ranging from what kind of internships to look for, the skill sets and mindsets that will help you succeed, to the classes you might take.

The Connections

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “It’s not what you know, but who you know” when people talk about getting jobs and internships in the professional field. And this is largely true! Why would you spend hours and hours in line to network at a career fair when you can grow a more personal professional network through an industry professional?

Adulting: How do I ____ ?

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It’s just the simple things that end up bogging you down like cooking a meal for yourself, shopping, managing expenses, and not getting scammed by people. Thankfully there’s always someone who has made the same mistake you’re future self might make, along with a fun story to go along with it.

Building EQ

There’s always that dreaded conversation you have to have with your roommate or dealing with weird or angry roommates which can really burden you down. Like maybe when you’re trying to study for a really important exam and your roommate comes back late from a party.

It’s FREE!

Mentorship programs can start and stop whenever you want. But the best part about these programs is how you get FREE help when you need it the most. Knowing there are people who got your back and are openly available is a huge help to getting through the ups and downs of college life.


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