5 tips for finding a roommate at SDSU!

Let’s be honest.

Finding a roommate in college can be daunting, especially if you don’t know a lot of people going to the same college.

But it doesn’t have to be that way! Your roommate can end up becoming a best friend and really enhance your college experience. And at SDSU, there are so many ways you can get to know people and pick your future roommate!

Roommates at SDSU

There are many ways to find your roommates and SDSU is no exception. But, of course, you want to make sure you get to know as much about the other person as you reasonable can, given that you could potentially be living with them for the whole year (and more)!

So, here are some avenues you can use to find your roommate as you gear up for the upcoming Fall at SDSU, along with some tips and advice on getting to know people you meet online. This is from one of our Juniors:

  1. Find Facebook groups that are dedicated to help students find their roommates. Normally, these are places where people can post a mini-profile of themselves for others to scroll through (i.e. what’s your favorite food, interesting fact about yourself, etc.).

  2. Check out the SDSU Instagram accounts for the c/o 2025 (@sdsuclassof25, @sdsu_2025, among others) - that’s a great way to meet other incoming students! Besides their pictures, people post a mini-profile of themselves that others can scroll through to see if you have similar interests.

  3. Keep an open mind! You never know who you might end up getting along with.

  4. Don’t be afraid to reach out to someone if you think you’d like to be roommates. Sending them a DM via Instagram is an easy way to do that.

  5. Finally, take everything with a grain of salt. People might not end up being who they say they are, especially online, but give them the benefit of the doubt! You never know.

Here’s a final word of encouragement from another of our Juniors:

“When I got accepted, I remember I was super excited to find my roommate! But because I had gotten off the waitlist, I had to find off-campus housing, but I had no idea where to start looking. So I ended up joining my class page and finding another page associated with it that was specifically for students who needed to find off-campus housing.

“At first, it was overwhelming because I needed to scroll through every profile, but I ended up finding my freshmen year roommates on Facebook. I remember I got added to a group chat with four other girls and over the summer, and we spent some time calling one another to get to know each other. We came from all over: Northern California, Southern California, and India!

“So to end, you never know who you’re going to end up meeting, but finding your college roommate(s) is definitely an adventure!“

If you’d like to connect to a Mentor for more information, please check out our Mentorship page or click below! Good luck!


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The Hall of Fame (Alumni at SDSU)